Monthly Milestones...
*First night home
*First real bath
*Some "smiles"

*My brother and sister!

13.5 pounds according to my bathroom scale!

Favorite Things...

13.5 pounds according to my bathroom scale!
Clothing Size…
Sleep Patterns…
I am afaid to say this out loud... but I feel like you are sleepiest newborn we have had! At night you usually give us a four hour strech, but usually give us some long stretches during the day. You are all about grunting though, so sometimes we thing you are awake, but you are not!
You also love being swaddled while you sleep. And you do not usually nurse to sleep which is so different than what I am used to! You like to be full, dry, swaddled, and laid down... and most of the time you fall asleep!
Eating Patterns…
Just like our all our babies... he likes to eat. Probably, yet again, why he is so big. He eats every 2-3 hours... ***usually***

We are so so soooooo glad you are here! Your dad and I have been praying for you. Bailey Drew and Jameson have been excited to meet you. This month has been such a sweet time together. We have tried to soak in every newborn snuggle, because I know these days are flying by.

Dad is the expert swaddler and rocker. BD wants to hold you... all the time. Jameson wants to play with you. And watching it all unfold has been beyond anything I could have hoped for! We are not without our sleepless nights, but it is worth every second. We are continuing to pray for you and your future. That you will know the Lord and make Him known.
Outings and Celebrations…
*Coming home from the hospital
*Taking the kiddos to school
*Some walks
*A few dinners out
*Newborn pictures
*Honestly we were home a lot more this time around... the flu has been so bad!
*"He is so serious!"
*"He looks so much like Andrew"
*"He is so big!"
*"He looks so much like Andrew"
*"He is so big!"
Things we have noticed about you...
For Everett Cole…

We are so so soooooo glad you are here! Your dad and I have been praying for you. Bailey Drew and Jameson have been excited to meet you. This month has been such a sweet time together. We have tried to soak in every newborn snuggle, because I know these days are flying by.
Dad is the expert swaddler and rocker. BD wants to hold you... all the time. Jameson wants to play with you. And watching it all unfold has been beyond anything I could have hoped for! We are not without our sleepless nights, but it is worth every second. We are continuing to pray for you and your future. That you will know the Lord and make Him known.

And all the pictures...
Catching Up…