
Sunday, February 10, 2013

33-34 Weeks...

How far along?  34 weeks... on our way to 35!!!
Total weight gain- still around 25 pounds... 
Baby Related Purchases-
I don't think there have been any purchases this past 2 weeks.  I am hoping to finish the nursery with this next week off... so maybe there will be some fun stuff next week?
Stretch marks- nope
Movement- Still tons of movement.  She still loves the right side...  but ventures to the left side now from time to time.  
What I miss- Running and normal clothing... I am determined to not buy any more maternity clothes... everyone might be seeing me in the same clothing for the next 5-7 weeks!
Cravings- Maybe cookie dough ice cream... problem is I craved that before I was pregnant too...  I just love to eat!
Anything making you queasy or sick- Not really... Tums have changed my life :) lol
Gender- Girl!!!!! Check out our thoughts on our little girl :)
Labor- not yet! It is funny because I have been so convinced that Bailey is coming late, so I have been thinking 5-7 weeks.  Andrew pointed out that "full term" could be a little more than two weeks from now... ahhhh that is crazy.  As excited as I am to meet Bailey Drew outside of my body, I still want her to go at least to full term.  Probably the only pregnant woman whose goal is to work past her due date.
Symptoms- Some days my ankles swell a little, sometime not.  I think my face looks swollen... but Andrew says it is not.
Worries- Just that I am not going to get everything done before Bailey gets here.  This "everything" includes all the school work for the next couple of weeks and for maternity leave, and the baby stuff.  I just need to accept that this "Everything" is probably not going to get done and that is okay.  
Also on my birthday, I had a little slip and fall.  I fell forward, but caught myself on my hands and knees.  It still scared me!!!  Bailey was fine and was moving right away.
Best moments of the past 2 weeks...
So many good times!!!!
The teachers on my team at school threw me a surprise shower at Zea's!

Sweetest ides... everyone wrote on a page... perfect NOLA keepsake :)

My birthday... after the excitement of my little slip I just hung out with Andrew and Leah at the house.   Much needed relaxation!

Bday flowers...
Sweet bday gift for the nursery... hope Bailey loves yellow :)

CEC trip with the students from UNO... got to sleep in a cabin on a bunk bed... don't worry... I stayed on the bottom bunk!

Luling Parade- My kids are pros...

MUSES!!!  I was determined to get a shoe for Bailey... I wanted one of the heals!  Ended up with a heal and a flip flop thanks to my baby bump, sign and Andrew!  I am going to use them to decorate the nursery.  They don't "match" but they are such a connection to Bailey being born here in NOLA :)  Plus we had so much fun with friends!!!

More parades... love Carnival season!!!

Wizard of Oz float... my favorite!!!

Color Run with Heidi

Looking forward to...
*Having a much needed break this week!
*Finishing up the nursery!
*More Mardi Gras parades?  We have not decided about this yet... the weather looks rough for the next couple of days... but we shall see!  
*Meeting Bailey Drew... not too long now!!!! 
Size of baby- weighs as much as a cantaloupe!
What the baby is up to- (from 
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Get Caught Up!!!

 24 Weeks...
23 Weeks...



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