
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Budgeting Diaries: 2016 Goals

We are back with...

No new story this week… just want to expand upon goal number 6 for my yearly goals.

Sooooooo… as I mentioned before we have been blessed with two cars.  But one has over 200,000 miles on it and the other has almost 200,000 miles on it…
This was this past summer right after J-man was born…  the car is still going strong!

All this to be said our goal is to save money to pay cash for our next car over the next year.

How we hope to reach our goal…


I am a planner and a bit of a control freaks… when things don't go as planned I have the tendency to stress.  This is not Biblical, so I am going to not stress when things don't go as planned.  There will be surprise expenses this year, but we will trust God and roll with it.


I am working two part time jobs between now and May, one of the two will continue after May. Say what?  One is nannying and I get to stay at home and the other is flexible.  It still will be a lot, but I have a pretty awesome husband that is going to help me balance along the way.  The plan is to pretend we don't have these incomes at all and bank them.


Resume cash budget.  We have not been doing it for the past few months for various reasons, but we definitely spend less when we are on a cash budget.


If we have time to works some side gigs we will.  Selling stuff around the house, garage sale… etc.


Pray our cars last for the next year or two, but trust God if they don't.  We could make it with one car if we had to do it!

What about you?  Did you set any financial goals for the year? How are you planning to get there?


Want to read some other encouraging and real budgeting stories???
Stephanie @ Marathon Bride
Laura @The Epitome of Us
Mandy @ Almond Place
Sarah @ Abiding in Grace
Stasia @ Our Life on a Budget

What is your story? Or do you have some tips or pointers or anything you think would be encouraging to readers trying to be good stewards of what God has given them? Email me at and you can share a post! :)



  1. Stasia, I love it that you are being so purposeful in goal setting. I want to do better in this area in 2016. Our church is actually in the middle of a stewardship camppaign titled "Free," and the goal is for all of us to be debt free this year. Dave Ramsey came and spoke this past weeekend. -- Blessings and hugs to you as you "stick to the stuff" in 2016! :)

    1. Lyli, thank you so much for the encouragement!!! That is awesome that Dave Ramsey came to speak at your church!!!

  2. Popping by from the Modest Mom link up! My husband and I have been using a cash budget system for a while now and it really helps save! Our ongoing financial goal is to build up our savings, and to save enough money short term for some home reno projects.


    1. Thank you for stopping by!!! We love the cash budget system, really keeps are spending in check!

  3. We have paid cash for our last several cars and God willing we will continue to do so. My only suggestion to you is to decide if you want to sell one of the cars to add to your savings. Or if you can generate more money by driving the car until you have to tow it home? If the vehicle is only worth $1-2K sometimes we can save up more money then it's worth and still sell it for parts in the end. We have sold a couple of cars for parts which is about $300-500 on Craigslist. So yes, you can buy cars for cash and having a strategy is good and it looks like you are doing a great job! I am visiting you from Frugal Friday!
