
Friday, July 27, 2012

Money Day...

One thing that Andrew and I try to do once or twice a year is what I call a money day.  For us this is just a day where we just think about the resources that we have, and what we should be doing with them.  This is the schedule we use...

  1. Prayer and Scripture- We always start the day here.  We want this to be something that is glorifying to God.  We want to be good stewards of what he has given us... not focus on accumulating as much money as possible.
  2. Short Term and Long Term Goals- Since we have done this periodically before, we look back at what we have done before, see how we are doing, and revise.  We also spend some time praying over these goals as well.
  3. Find Better Deals-  We look through all of our bills and see if there is anything we are not using or don't need to cut.  Some good things to look through are your cable bill, cell phone bill, bank account, and your insurance provider (can you get a better deal somewhere else with similar coverage?) 
  4. Get Creative- Are there any other ideas that could save us some money?  What are some things we can do around the house to save money?  How can I drive less?  Things like that.
  5.  Revamp Budget-  We look over and edit our budget each month.  It does not take long, but each month has different needs, so we change our budget based on that.  During this time we just look over and adjust the basics of our budget worksheet to reflect any changes we have made throughout the day.
  6. Go Back to Financial Goals- Revise and talk about how to keep up with them.
  7. Prayer and Scripture- Start our time here, and end it here :).

This is just the basics... and we and no way claim to be experts.  Has anyone else tried something like this?  Any suggestions for additions to our schedule???

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