
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day...

This is a day of celebration, but it did not feel that way just one year ago. As many of you know, the week of Mother's Day last year we had a miscarriage. You can see some of the progression of our journey to healing here, here and then here.

The baby we lost just before Mother's Day last year.
This season of life taught me a lot about the pain that come with losing a child and just a little picture of the pain of those dealing with infertility. In the decision for Andrew and I to be open and real even in the pain, when everything was not perfect, God opened the door for ministering to many other families and healing in our own. We learned how the comments of others could encourage or hurt.

So as we go through this day to recognize mothers, don't forget to recognize those that have lost, or long to be mothers! A card, hug or other gesture could go miles in the life of many women. If you are looking for a resource to check out that can help you be supportive friend look here or here!


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