Guess I will be periodically checking in with these... here are a few for this week!
We personally skipped disposable diapers... seriously we have not bought a single diaper. We used them at the hospital, the first week, and might use them the day we move... but that is it. We skip the disposable and
go with the cloth. Not to say that cloth is all easy... it is more work for sure, but worth the savings!
Splurge... kind of
Baby carriers.
I say this as a splurge because I wouldn't just settle on any baby carrier. There are some out there that are hard on the carriers shoulders and/or not good for the babies back. We went with a Baby K'tan, Ergo, and I am borrowing a Mei Tai from a friend. For us the Baby K'tan was the perfect solution to wanting a Moby wrap, but not wanting to do all the complicated ties. The Ergo we were able to get with Babies R'Us Credit... it is supposed to be one of the best, we have not used it yet because Bailey Drew is not ready. This is the sort of "splurge" that it is okay to borrow from friends or even get used, thus the Mei Tai I am using! For us baby wearing is just easier than lugging the whole infant car seat most places.
This week we bought a Bob jogging stroller used from somebody on the seminary campus. I have been wanting one of these, but knew it was not a necessity. Andrew has been wanting to get me one for my push/mother's day present. We were able to get a great deal on this one...
and I hear you can get great ones on craigslist too. I hear some are still in the box or barely used... I suppose some people like the idea of running with their child, but end up not actually doing it. I can't jog with Bailey until she is older, but the stroller will be great for trails and rougher terrain (like New Orleans roads:)). Eventually I hope she likes to run with me! :)
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