BD 10 months...
Monthly Milestones
*You are pulling yourself up and cruising like crazy! I mean switching from furniture to furniture piece. You are all over!
*You can bend down and pick things up while holding on.
*You can bend down and pick things up while holding on.
*Clapping and waving!
*Crawling… you don't really even Army crawl anymore.
*2nd,3rd and 4th 1st xmas :)
*Crawling… you don't really even Army crawl anymore.
*2nd,3rd and 4th 1st xmas :)
Favorite Things...
*Taking your finger over your lips and making noise… "ba, ba,ba" … you do this all the time! You also love to grab my eyelashes.
*Push toy.
*Just wants to stand and walk… soon enough child, soon enough
and you like to try to drink the bathwater… ewe gross…
* Went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago.. 26 pounds… the size of a two year old...
*We have no idea… but know you are over 30 inches.
Clothing Size...
*12-24 month
Sleep Patterns…
But night? It is hit or miss. Some nights lately BD just wakes up ready to play. One night in particular she was up for 3 hours! But last night she did great… She slept almost all the way through the night.
Eating Patterns...
As for food… you have been eating everything… until a couple days ago… you have started throwing food on the floor :(… hopefully this is just a stage.
Outings and Celebrations...
*Little Bit
*Little Bit
*Little Chunk
*Chunky monkey
*Bailey Boo
*Bailey Boo Hoo
*Bailey, Bailey Drew (Sung to the tune of Scooby Doo)
Things others have said about you...
*"She makes the funniest faces!"
*"She has so much hair!" / "she looks lil Cindy Lou Whoo."/ "Look at that water fountain."
*"She has so much hair!" / "she looks lil Cindy Lou Whoo."/ "Look at that water fountain."
*"She is so big!"
*"She is chill/easy going"
*"Look at those chunks!"
Things we have noticed about you...
*You love eating and drinking real food.
*You love seeing all different people! Little social butterfly.
*Persistent and determined... still
*The more people the better!
*You do like a little bit of alone play time.
*You love to smile and laugh.
For Bailey Drew…
Our Sweet Bailey Girl. How can 10 months have already passed? Each day we see changes … each day you are doing something new! You laugh at the books I read, like when you are supposed to. You do things on purpose… like knock over cups of water because you like to play in it. You are such a little person, with your own personality.
Musical prodigy? Not from me :) |
Everyday, we feel blessed to have another day with you, knowing that God has trusted you with us for a time, not forever. We pray that we will be able to raise you for God's glory!
We are getting excited about your first birthday coming up. I wonder what new things you will be doing by then! :)
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