Guest post time! This is Christy at Living in the Promise. She is near and dear to my heart because she is not only a blogger friend ( not that there is anything wrong with that :)), but she is a face-to-face friend. She started a working mom group this past year that has been such an encouragement to my life. Anyways, this is one awesome woman and family that God is using. Take the time to read her post here and check her blog out!
My simple, little blog started about 4 years ago as a means to document my journey with the Lord. I used it as a space to share the lessons I learned from Him and prayer requests. Over time, the space morphed into a more general, lifestyle blog. And it has sort of shifted back and forth from general life to spiritual lessons ever since.
In the past year, a tiny human has invaded my blog space. My sweet little boy is now 9 months old and is growing and developing at lightening speed, or so it seems. I've used the blog to document his many new developments, beginning with weekly bump shots during pregnancy, to posts about breastfeeding and natural deliveries, to monthly update posts.
Despite this new focus, my space has not lost its true identity. Perhaps even more than before, I find it helpful to have a place to share the many things God is teaching me. If you're a parent, I'm sure you can give me a big ol' AMEN to this--but parenting is not easy! Sure, there are endless joys, but there are struggles, big decisions, things change, you question yourself, your patience is tested again and again, and you start comparing yourself to all the mommies you know--not to mention the mommy bloggers, FB groups, and countless articles about things you never knew you cared about before, like the toxicity of sunscreens and the benefits of coconut oil.
Truly, I have found that the only way to survive this parenting gig is to lean heavily on God as my guide, comfort, security, rest, and source of wisdom. You will never find an article or blog post that is 100% genuine and free of bias. Even scientific data can be skewed. And even when you do all that you possibly can, you will make mistakes. Your baby will bonk his head on a metal grate (true story) or you will accidentally feed him honey baked beans (yes, true again!). Or you'll think you're doing a great job feeding him healthy foods only have a nagging feeling that it's not good enough because it's not 100% organic.
The only thing that is consistently the same, that isn't skewed by bias or personal experiences, that never conflicts and never condemns your efforts of doing your God. He guides me to make wise choices and gives me grace when I make mistakes. In my weakness, He is my strength. When I'm frustrated, exhausted, or wondering what in the world I've gotten myself into...God is the source of my renewed patience and energy, and He reminds me of just how blessed I am to be given the opportunity to be a mommy to this little boy.
So now I talk a little more about the miraculous powers of breastmilk and how mindblowingly advanced my baby is (at least in my eyes!), but this little blog of mine still points straight to God. Because without Him, there is no way I could handle all the rest of my crazy, wonderful life!
Thank you Christy for sharing!!! :)

Thanks for sharing my blog, Stasia! Good luck with your move today! You're in my prayers! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, we are moved and at least sort of settled!
DeleteOne of the blessings of motherhood occurs when we turn to the Lord--we need his help. We were created to be in relationship with Him. Your post makes this point so well.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Christy is a wonderful encouragement to me as a mother!
DeleteWe do need to turn to the Lord in our motherhood. It is the most difficult and most beautiful callings we can have. Thanks for a beautiful post!
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading :)
DeleteLife is such a series of seasons.... and it is good to live in the season we are in and not yearn for the next (or the previous) one. Motherhood to little ones is one of those precious and tiring seasons... Thank you for sharing. :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree… and sometimes even though a season is hard… you will miss it later!
DeleteThank you for reading!
There is nothing like the invasion of a little one to make us run even harder after God! So glad I visited here from Titus 2 Tues. this morning. Blessings to you both!
ReplyDeleteIsn't that the truth!!!
Delete"The only thing that is consistently the same, that isn't skewed by bias or personal experiences, that never conflicts and never condemns your efforts of doing your God."
ReplyDeleteTruth !
There have been seasons of my life where all I had to hang on literally was the Word of God. His promises that He loves me and that He will restore me did more for me than any comfort the world could ever provide. Thanks for sharing this Stasia and for linking up this blog post at Working Christian Mommy.
Have a blessed rest of the day !
Thanks Gertrude! :)
DeleteWe're planning to embark on that next step of the adventure very soon ourselves--I'm hopping on over to your blog! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful truth you have delivered here, Christy. Stasia, you are blessed to have Christy in your life, helping you with her working mom group. Thank you for sharing at the #SHINEBlogHop this past Thursday.