
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Some thoughts on being a part-time stay-at-home mom...

Those that know me best… know that I am a workaholic.  My husband says I find work to do, even when there isn't any.  
I have this desire to be a full-time stay-at-home mom and work full-time… but I know the two cannot simultaneously occur.  
 This year I am a part-time private preschool teacher.  So I say that I am a part- time stay at home mom (SAHM).  I usually get home at 12:15, and the rest of the afternoon is "my own."
I find myself getting frustrated that I am not plowing through to-do lists in this time and getting a ton done.  Many days I find myself at best disappointed, and at worst frustrated that I didn't get more done.  But I have to remind myself that what is getting done is the most important work of all.  It is kingdom work, discipleship and caring for the general safety and well-being a of a human being (that human being is our daughter :)). 
I have come to realize that I *cannot* expect to get much done in my child's waking hours.  If I am at home with BD, I am her caretaker, I am doing what daycare workers and teachers get paid to do.  And those people don't try to get other stuff done while watching/teaching the children.. that's laughable.
So I have had to learn to be a little more laid back.  
To get a little less done.
To let the apartment be more messy.
To plan less.
To be there more.
And mostly to spend time and pour into our child, for I am blessed with the time I have with her!
I don't know what the future holds for my career- whether I will be a sahm mom, part-time sahm, or working mom.  I just know that it takes sacrifice to raise a child to follow Christ!
I'll end with these thoughts from Susanna Wesley (mother of Charles and John Wesley)- 
"I am content to fill [just] a little space for God to be glorified… No one can, without renouncing the world, in the most literal sense, observe my method; and there are few, if any, that would entirely devote above twenty years of the prime of life in hopes to save the souls of their children, which they think may be save with out so much ado; for that was my principal intention, however unskillfully and unsuccessfully managed. "


  1. Hi Stasia! I'm really glad I found your blog! I really love this post. I am about to give birth to our first baby in a month and I find myself stressed out at the thought that I will not be able to do it all.

    1. Meredith, thank you so much for coming by! I am so glad that this post was an encouragement. The funny thing is that you are not able to do it all… but you have to rely on Christ… it is so life changing! Hope to see you around some more! :)

  2. This is post is SO relatable but I think it's awesome that you are so invested in your home as your primary mission field! Keep up the good work for His glory! Thanks for linking up at Make A Difference Mondays : )
