Monthly Milestones...
*Enjoying my walkers/bouncers!!!
*So much teething and so much drool
*Holding my own bottle… is this for real?
*First time in a swing!
*Some real movement is coming along! I can turn in a full circle and pull myself forward to get a toy!
*I can knock over my whole playmat!
*More sitting up on my own… sometimes even without hands…
Favorite Things...
*My sister… we "talk" all the time!
*My play mat!

*Airplane and tickle monster

*Getting so much love from my big sister… just wait until I can reciprocate :)

*Bath time!
*the remote, cell phones, paper… basically anything I am not supposed to have!
*Smiling in the mirror with mommy…
*Smiling… smiling is my favorite :)
*My play mat!

*Airplane and tickle monster

*Getting so much love from my big sister… just wait until I can reciprocate :)

*When my sister makes me wear a mouse costume…
*Smiling in the mirror with mommy…
*My high chair and my Sophie!
Least Favorite Things…
*When my parents make me wear antlers…

*When my parents don't let me eat anything besides milk:(… thankful only one more month to wait!

*When my parents don't let me eat anything besides milk:(… thankful only one more month to wait!
*When my sister lets me fall over when mom or dad is taking a picture.

About 21 lbs (according to our bathroom scale)!!!
No idea… but more than 28 inches… that's how much I was last month!
Clothing Size…
We are pretty solid in 12m clothes now. anything footie must be 12m, but I can still wear some 9 m onesies.
Sleep Patterns…
Well… this month has been an adventure. With so much travel and such… you have slept a ton with us. Basically only with us.
You nap in your crib or while being worn.
Eating Patterns…
*Grumpy man (which is ironic because he actually pretty happy)
*Drool Monster (BD even calls you this)
*Drool Monster (BD even calls you this)
*Big man, little man and the such.
Things others have said about you...
* "He is so big!"
*"He smiles so much!"
*"He seems older than…."
*"He seems older than…."
Things we have noticed about you…
*You smile and laugh SO MUCH! And it is contagious!
*You want to eat and drink so bad. If you are sitting with someone while they are eating you watch every bite get to their mouth! AND you try to eat the food!!!
*You love your sister and she loves you!
So many prayers for you this month Big Man. For your heart, your future, that God will use us as your parents. We see growth and chafe. We enjoy and take in each moment… even the ones where you are crying;)
*You have a pretty chill personality… but when you cry… it is rough!
My second time to try and leave a comment. Sweet pictures. He is growing so fast.
ReplyDeleteCharlotte Moore
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