38 weeks exactly... I think this is the first time I have posted on the "correct day" this pregnancy.
Total Weight Gain/Loss:
I have not weighed myself... and don't feel like wondering to the scale. We will just say 50-60 lbs.
Baby Related Purchases:
It has been cold so much lately that I have felt the need to buy a few things for if it is really cold when baby E comes... but now that we are prepared it will 60 and sunny the rest of the winter.
Maternity Clothes:
Ummm... whatever I can fit in this point.
I have had some really bad nights and some really good nights. Hoping to sleep well until he comes (and after)!
So much movement and so many hiccups!
What I miss:
Having normal energy... it is just so unpredictable right now. I can be fine one minute and feel so tired the next. This also could be attributed to being a mom to two other kids, while working, and being pregnant!
I did randomly make a batch of chocolate chip cookies for myself Sunday.
Anything making you queasy or sick:
Nothing too bad right now!
Labor Signs:
Nothing really. My hope is sometime 1/23-1/26... if only babies just followed when you want them to come.
I think its pretty obvious I'm pregnant ;)
Best moments this week:
So many good moments...
* The last of the Christmas festivities...
* The last of the Christmas festivities...
* Celebrating our NINE year anniversary (which is actually on 1/10)
* Visiting my sweet friend and coworkers baby. We had due dates only two weeks apart... but I have a feeling they will be born about a month apart (and that when Everett come he will already be bigger).
* Sweet family time
* Winning the national championship... oh wait, we didn't. But we were there. And next year's our year :)
* Hearing my Andrew speak... if you are a college/20s age and live in Augusta, let me know! I would love to connect you with a greta ministry!
Looking forward:
Finishing prepping the house... aka nesting.
Size of Baby:
Right now it says a head of spaghetti squash... and another says a Pomeranian.
For the little:
With in the next three weeks you will be here! I know its going to go by quick, so I am trying to soak in these baby kicks and hiccups and not complain about end of pregnancy woes. I am going to enjoy the next couple of weeks, but I know I will enjoy holding you even more. Praying for you each day!
PRAY it all goes well for you and baby E.